Suggestions for Activities to Celebrate Children’s Day in a Memorable Way

O Children's Day is a vibrant celebration of the joy and innocence of childhood. In Portugal, June 1st is marked by lots of smiles, games and special family moments. Today we give you some suggestions for fun and educational activities that will help create lasting memories with your children.

The Origin of World Children's Day

World Children's Day was established in 1950 by the International Democratic Federation of Women, after the Second World War, as a day dedicated to the well-being of children around the world.

In Portugal, the date is synonymous with celebration and reflection on children's rights, ensuring that each little one can grow up with health, education and protection.

Atividades para o Dia da Criança

Fun Activities for Children's Day

  1. Recyclable Fashion Show
    Organize a fashion show at home with old clothes or second-hand pieces purchased at Petit Fox Portugal. Let kids transform these pieces into creative new looks, promoting recycling and sustainability.
  1. Story Time
    Choose children's books and create a reading corner. Hold a storytime session, where children can listen to and then draw their favorite part of the story, encouraging their imagination and love of reading.
  1. Kindergarten
    Plant flowers or herbs in small pots. This activity not only teaches children about nature and the life cycle of plants, it also makes them proud to be able to take care of their own garden.
  1. Little kitchen
    With adult supervision, let children prepare a healthy snack. It could be something as simple as putting together a fruit salad or decorating cookies.
  1. Art with Nature
    Go for a walk and collect natural elements to create art. Leaves, flowers and branches can be transformed into collages, paintings or sculptures.

Children's Day is an opportunity to celebrate the curiosity and energy of our young people. With these activities, we hope to inspire moments of unity and joy. 

Atividades para o Dia da Criança

Petit Fox Portugal

Petit Fox Portugal is not just a store, it is a community that supports creativity and sustainable development. 

By opting for pre-owned clothes, you teach your children the value of reuse and environmental responsibility, while they have fun and learn. Explore our online store and discover enchanting pieces that will make this day an even more special event.

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