10 Adivinhas Engraçadas para Crianças

10 Funny Riddles for Kids

Who hasn't had fun trying to solve a riddle? Riddles are like little puzzles that challenge us and make us laugh out loud. And when it comes to children, the magic of these riddles reaches a very special level.

In this article, we will explore the enchanting world of riddles tailored for little ones.

little boy laughing - riddles for kids

The Fun of Solving Riddles

Riddles for children are enigmatic questions or statements that provoke reasoning and stimulate the imagination.

The idea is that, when trying to answer, children use their creativity and logical thinking to find the solution, thus exercising their ability to observe and associate ideas . In addition, it is an opportunity to learn new words and expressions in a light and relaxed way.

In addition to classic riddles for kids, creating personalized riddles is a great way to stimulate creativity. Encourage your little ones to come up with their own riddles , exploring everyday objects, animals, or funny situations. This not only develops their imagination, but also gives them a sense of accomplishment when they manage to make friends and family laugh with their creations.

10 Funny Riddles for Kids

  1. What is it, what is it? It has wings, but it is not a bird; it flies, but it is not a plane.

Answer: Bat.

  1. What is it, what is it? The more you take away, the bigger it gets.

Answer: Hole.

  1. What is it, what is it? It starts with "p" and ends with "ão", and it's full of dots.

Answer: Bread.

  1. What is it, what is it? It has a shell, but it is not an egg; it has a stone, but it is not a fruit.

Answer: Hot dog.

  1. What is it, what is it? It stays still all day, but at night it starts jumping.

Answer: Cricket.

  1. What is it, what is it? The more you take away, the more it grows. And if you put water in it, it disappears.

Answer: Soap.

  1. What is it, what is it? The heavier it is, the higher it goes.

Answer: Balloon.

  1. What is it, what is it? It's at the bottom of the sea and in the middle of the earth.

Answer: The letter "R".

  1. What is it, what is it? It goes in dry and comes out wet.

Answer: Umbrella.

  1. What is it, what is it? It has wings, but it doesn't fly; it has a beak, but it's not a bird.

Answer: Paper airplane.

Have you already heard of these riddles for children? Share any other riddles you know in the comments below, they are always welcome!

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