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How to encourage reading in children

Reading is a fundamental activity for children's cognitive, linguistic, emotional and social development . In addition to expanding vocabulary, comprehension and expression, reading also stimulates imagination, creativity, curiosity, empathy and values. Reading is a way to learn about the world, about oneself and about others, in a fun and enjoyable way.

However, many children do not have the habit of reading, whether due to lack of interest, opportunity, encouragement or access to suitable books. Therefore, it is important that parents, educators and professionals in the field of childhood promote children's reading from an early age, in order to awaken children's taste and interest in books and literature.

At Petit Fox, we are concerned not only with offering environmentally responsible fashion but also with the healthy development of little ones, which is why we want to help Portuguese parents with tips that can encourage reading among their little foxes.

Tips to encourage reading

Choose books that are appropriate for your child's age, level and interests.

Look for books that have simple, clear, fun and engaging texts, with attractive, colorful and expressive illustrations. Give preference to books that address themes that children can relate to, that make them laugh, dream, reflect, question, etc.

Create an environment conducive to reading.

Set aside a comfortable, quiet, well-lit, and welcoming space in your home or school where children can have easy and free access to books. Organize books in an attractive way, on shelves, in boxes, or in baskets, and label them with pictures or pictures. Keep books clean, well-maintained, and up-to-date, and encourage children to take care of them.

Read along with the children.

Shared reading is one of the best ways to encourage children to read, as it creates an emotional bond between the adult and the child, and makes reading a fun and meaningful experience. Read aloud, with intonation, expression and emotion, and pause to comment, ask questions, explain or praise. Let the children choose the books, turn the pages, point to the illustrations, repeat the words, ask questions, etc.

Diversify the ways of reading.

In addition to books, there are other forms of reading that can be explored with children, such as magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, posters, labels, recipes, etc. It is also possible to use different resources and supports for reading, such as computers, tablets, cell phones, audiobooks, videos, etc. The important thing is that the reading is varied, dynamic and interactive, and that it meets the different learning styles and needs of children.

Relate reading to other activities .

Reading can be integrated with other activities that children enjoy, such as games, arts, music, theater, etc. For example, a story can be read and then dramatized, drawn, sung, done with a puzzle, etc. This helps to increase understanding, memorization and application of what was read, as well as making reading more fun and motivating.

Encouraging children to read is an investment for life, as it contributes to their overall development, their academic and personal success, and the formation of critical, aware and participatory citizens.

Therefore, be sure to encourage children to read, and show them how reading can be a source of knowledge, fun and enchantment.

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